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A11 Golf Greens

A11 golf green seed is a traditional fescue and Browntop bentgrass mixture for greens and contains top-performing varieties exclusive to Germinal. Our A11 mixture is ideal for establishing golf course greens.  

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Description carrat-down

A11 is a golf green seed mixture with Aber®Royal and Aber®Regal Browntop bent. These are UK-bred varieties for UK conditions to improve your greens.

Grass seed for golf greens

The Browntop bentgrasses in this mixture are Chewings fescue and Slender creeping red fescue.  All four cultivars offer unrivalled summer and winter greenness as well as the prerequisite high shoot density and disease resistance.

  • Uniform putting surface
  • Dense sward
  • Tolerates close mowing
  • UK-bred grasses for UK conditions

Trust the Germinal experts

Get in touch with our experts today if you want to discuss A11 golf green seed or any of our other mixtures.

Specification carrat-down

Copy Specification
Product Name A11 Golf Greens
Mixture Breakdown 30.0% CAMANETTE (Chewings Fescue)
10.0% EUROCARINA (Chewings Fescue)
20.0% CHARLOTTE (Chewings Fescue)
20.0% MIRADOR (Slender Creeping Red Fescue)
10.0% ABERREGAL (Browntop Bent) 
10.0% ABERROYAL (Browntop Bent) 
Supplier: Germinal Amenity
Tel: 01522 868714
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Usage Guide carrat-down

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Sowing Rate 35 g/m2 (350 kg/ha)
Sowing Time March - October
Sowing Depth 10 mm
Sowing Instructions Create a fine friable seedbed down to 150 mm in depth. Carry out two equal sowings at right angles to each other and diagonally to main axis. Broadcast manually or use seed drill, rake level and roll. Ensure good seed to soil contact.
Cutting Height Down to 3 mm
Minimum cuts per year N/A
Overseeding Rate 20 g/m2 (200 kg/ha)
Fertiliser Recommendation

In the seedbed - Agrosil LR

Once established - Vitanica RZ  or G7 Bio Builder

Supplier: Germinal Amenity
Tel: 01522 868714
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Q & A (1) carrat-down

Product Questions

Once a bag of grass seed is opened and part used what is the life of remaining seed which is to be used at a later date
Question by: k.vigar on 6 Aug 2019, 23:32
The seed will germinate well in the first year, it should also germinate well the following Spring if it is kept cool and dry. Then over time the percentage of the seeds that will germinate will reduce.
Answer by: Lincoln Team on 13 Aug 2019, 14:54

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