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A19 All Purpose Landscaping

An all purpose mixture suitable for lawns, road verges and general amenity areas.

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Description carrat-down

A19 is a universal mixture suitable for domestic lawns and commercial landscaping projects. It produces a fine even textured ground cover which maintains good all year greenness. Suitable for most amenity situations such as road verges, lawns and even school playing fields.

  • All purpose mixture
  • Rapid establishment
  • Forms a hardwearing, dense attractive lawn
  • Suits a wide range of soil types
  • Added Zurich Creeping perennial ryegrass ensures ability to regenerate from wear in unmanaged situations

Specification carrat-down

Copy Specification
Product Name A19 All Purpose Landscaping
Mixture Breakdown 20.0% CORAIL STRONG CREEPING RED FESCUE (Festuca rubra rubra)
25.0% CHARLOTTE SLENDER CREEPING RED FESCUE (Festuca rubra litoralis)
5.0% HIGHLAND BROWNTOP BENTGRASS (Agrostis castellana)
Supplier: Germinal Amenity
Tel: 01522 868714
Copy Specification

Usage Guide carrat-down

Copy Usage Guide
Sowing Rate 50 g/m2 (500 kg/ha)
Sowing Time March - October
Sowing Depth 10 mm
Sowing Instructions Create a fine friable seedbed down to 150 mm in depth. Carry out two equal sowings at right angles to each other and diagonally to main axis. Broadcast manually or use seed drill, rake level and roll. Ensure good seed to soil contact.
Cutting Height Down to 20 mm
Minimum cuts per year 10
Overseeding Rate 20 g/m2 (200 kg/ha)
Fertiliser Recommendation

In the seedbed - Agrosil LR

Once established - GSR Tri-Phase (Spring/Summer)

Novatec Premium (Autumn)

Supplier: Germinal Amenity
Tel: 01522 868714
Copy Usage Guide

Q & A (1) carrat-down

Product Questions

We are having a very mild autumn (end of October 2020) and wondered if you think it is still okay to sow in November?
Question by: Zoe Lindgren on 27 Oct 2020, 10:28
Hello, as things stand it would be ok, the soil temperature is still warm. Obviously our weather can be unpredictable so I cannot guarantee success, there is a risk the weather could change.
Answer by: Lincoln Team on 27 Oct 2020, 14:41

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