Specification for the seeding operation: The variation in site conditions and the proposed end uses make it difficult to offer a specification which satisfies all requirements.

Landscaping for areas such as housing areas or solar parks requires particular specifications to fit in with the surrounding environment.

Reclamation of derelict land: As a once-proud industrial nation, Britain has historically exploited its natural resources for energy, minerals and manufacturing materials and has inevitably created many thousands of hectares of industrial wasteland and redundant brownfield sites such London’s Olympic Park.

Widespread economic constraints have necessarily led to changes in attitude with respect to the management and maintenance of amenity grassland. Traditionally established practices have been brought into question, especially in the areas of ecology and conservation.

Coastal areas vary enormously from one part of the country to another, but establishing a good sward on or near a coastal site can be hampered by wind and sea erosion, growing medium, soil instability and the general lack of organic matter.