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A2 Quality Lawn

A mixture of fescues to create a fine textured formal lawn area.

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Description carrat-down

A2 is suitable for high quality domestic lawns and commercial landscaping projects. It produces a fine textured ground cover which maintains good all year greenness. It is particularly suited to sandy soil of a more acidic nature and prone to drought, but will happily grow on other soil types too. In order to get the best from A2 it should be maintained at a cutting height of no more that 10 to 15 mm and routine maintenance such as scarification, aeration and topdressing should be carried out.

  • Non ryegrass ornamental landscaping
  • Attractive fine texture
  • Withstands close mowing
  • Suits a wide range of soil types

Specification carrat-down

Copy Specification
Product Name A2 Quality Lawns
Mixture Breakdown 45.0% CORAIL STRONG CREEPING RED FESCUE (Festuca rubra rubra)
25.0% CHARLOTTE SLENDER CREEPING RED FESCUE (Festuca rubra litoralis)
25.0% JOANNA CHEWINGS FESCUE (Festuca Rubra Commutata)
5.0% ABERROYAL BROWNTOP BENTGRASS (Agrostis capillaris)
Supplier: Germinal Amenity
Tel: 01522 868714
Copy Specification

Usage Guide carrat-down

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Sowing Rate 50 g/m2 (500 kg/ha)
Sowing Time March - October
Sowing Depth 10 mm
Sowing Instructions Create a fine friable seedbed down to 150 mm in depth. Carry out two equal sowings at right angles to each other and diagonally to main axis. Broadcast manually or use seed drill, rake level and roll. Ensure good seed to soil contact.
Cutting Height Down to 6 mm
Minimum cuts per year 14
Overseeding Rate 20 g/m2
Fertiliser Recommendation

In seedbed - Agrosil LR 

Once established - GSR Tri-Phase (Spring)

G13 Protekt (Autumn/Winter)


Supplier: Germinal Amenity
Tel: 01522 868714
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