About Germinal Amenity
Germinal is a company that is moving forward, leading the way, innovating for the future and developing the best products. We have knowledge of our customers needs at ground level. Research knowledge and foresight to know what’s needed for future growth.

We would like to welcome you to Germinal. We have created this online resource specifically to share our knowledge and expertise in the seed industry with our customers, distributors and partners across agriculture and amenity. There are many different areas of our business to explore, key resources and product information available for you to access and social media content to keep you up to date with important industry news.
Across the Germinal group we believe it is important for us to deliver a consistent level of service and create products that will ensure a profitable and sustainable future. We are doing this through our commitment to meeting our customers needs and a continuing focus on the five main pillars of the business –
Knowledge Building and Sharing
Our knowledge is one of our greatest assets. Germinal understand the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing and the benefits of building our future together.
Research and Understanding
One of our key effective relationships is with IBERS, Wales this gives Germinal its business edge and differentiation. We are not just a supplier, but a researcher with vital knowledge in seed development.
Foresight and Future Strategy
Inherent in the Germinal brand is the belief in power of forethought. We are investing our energies and business acumen in strategies and products for our world’s future.
Effective Relationships
We continue to build relationships with farmers, distributors, technicians and researchers to improve our products and knowledge.
Commitment to Quality
Our production procedures and processes are designed to yield the best products, from germination through harvest to usage.