A26 is a lawn seed mixture containing specially bred grasses that produce a dark green, resilient sward. It also serves as a landscape grass seed, making it suitable for both lawn and landscape areas.
Lawn seed varieties
All the varieties of grass score very highly for summer and winter greenness.
Key features
- Ability to maintain a dark green colour
- Excellent ground cover
- Outstanding visual appearance
- Available in 0.5 kg packs for home lawns
Trust the lawn seed experts
If you have questions about A26 So Green or any of our other amenity grass seed blends, get in touch with our experts.
Product Name | A26 So Green | ||
Mixture Breakdown | 60.0% | ESQUIRE PERENNIAL RYEGRASS | (Lolium perenne) |
35.0% | CHARLOTTE SLENDER CREEPING RED FESCUE | (Festuca rubra litoralis) | |
2.5% | ABERROYAL BROWNTOP BENTGRASS | (Agrostis capillaris) | |
2.5% | ABERREGAL BROWNTOP BENTGRASS | (Agrostis capillaris) |
Tel: 01522 868714
Usage Guide
Sowing Rate | 35 g/m2 (350 kg/ha) |
Sowing Time | March - October |
Sowing Depth | 10 mm |
Sowing Instructions | Create a fine friable seedbed down to 150 mm in depth. Carry out two equal sowings at right angles to each other and diagonally to main axis. Broadcast manually or use seed drill, rake level and roll. Ensure good seed to soil contact. |
Cutting Height | Down to 25 mm |
Minimum cuts per year | 16 |
Overseeding Rate | 20 g/m2 (200 kg/ha) |
Fertiliser Recommendation |
In the seedbed - Agrosil LR Once established - GSR Tri-Phase (Spring/Summer) G13 Protekt (Autumn/Winter) |
Tel: 01522 868714
Q & A (10)
Product Questions
Yes A26 will do well in this situation although care should be taken to ensure that the clay soil is not compacted. A compacted subsoil will create a pan and moisture will find it hard to drain away from the top 25mm potentially creating a soggy seed bed. If you suspect the clay is compacted then it should be cultivated or at least aerated before applying the top soil. Cultivation should be undertaken when the clay soil is moist enough to be worked but not wet. Cultivate down to 100mm if possible either by turning the soil over with a spade or rotavating. If choosing to aerate then either use a fork and move backwards and forwards to create fissures below the surface or preferably use a spiked or slit aerated either one you can push or an automated pedestrian machine. Once the top soil is applied then the whole area should be raked level and left to settle for 7-14 days before taking again and applying seed. Taking time to get this seedbed preparation correct is never wasted and will result in better more uniform establishment and so is well worth the effort, especially at this time of year when there is time to dedicate while soil temperatures increase.
What is the best pre seeding fertiliser for this grass mixture?
We would recommend our G1 fertiliser
Hello, I would like to use A26 to plant a new lawn after killing off the old one. About half the lawn is in shaded areas so I wondered if this seed was appropriate?
It depends very much on what is causing your shade, if it is trees then A26 will be fine. Although it will take longer to germinate than the other parts of your lawn and you will need to fertilise and water that part of the lawn more frequently as the trees will compete for nutrients and moisture. If your area is shaded by a wall or the side of your property we would recommend you use a shade mix on the shaded areas and the A26 on the rest of the lawn.
H I team
I have a soil ph of about 7.5 is there a seed available better tolerated to higher ph levels.
Thanks Brian
I have a soil ph of about 7.5 is there a seed available better tolerated to higher ph levels.
Thanks Brian
Thank you for your enquiry. With regards to grass species suitable for lawns then perennial ryegrass is ab out the best with regards to tolerating a higher PH, therefore A26 is a good mix to choose and I am confident it will tolerate a PH of 7.5. There are grass species such as Crested Dogstail that are known to tolerate a higher PH but they are more suited to grazing mixtures and wouldn’t make a good lawn. Is your garden in a new estate by chance? The only reason I ask is that very often in these situation the soil is poor and contains a high level of crush aggregates that can give a ‘false’ PH reading that is high as a consequences of have cement and lime based materials in it, very often the PH settles down very quickly and drops to a more neutral reading after a year or so.
Is A26 suitable for a new garden in Iceland, 64N. Cylinder Mowed 1500sq/m lawn size. Very little amount of shade and good soil quality
A26 would be suitable for a new garden but unfortunately we do not ship small amounts to Iceland. If you speak to they may be able to offer an alternative.
Hi how much of A26 is required for new lawn, for an area of 70sqm?
You will need 5 x 500GM boxes for this area. Thank you
Any options for purchasing this in the US? Would like to avoid shipping from the UK for potential customs issues.
Thank you for your question, unfortunately we can only ship from the UK and currently we don't offer delivery to the US.
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