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RE1 Traditional Hay Meadow (MG5 Grassland)

This old hay meadow mixture replicates an MG5 grassland as listed in the National Vegetation Classification, N.V.C. 

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Description carrat-down

A grassland and wildflower community which reflects an old hay meadow before the advent of modern agricultural practises. Suitable for being managed by grazing in the long term. However, for the first few seasons managing by cutting might be required in order to develop the depth of sward to avoid excessive poaching. A great habitat for invertebrates, birds and mammals.

Where to use this mixture:

  • Heavy clay soils
  • Road verges
  • Embankments
  • Quarry areas
  • Lowland areas
  • To encourage insects and birds

An 80:20 mix of grasses and native wildflowers including Meadowsweet, Agrimony and Salad burnet.

Specification carrat-down

Copy Specification


Product Name RE1 (Traditional Hay Meadow - MG5 Grassland)
Mixture Breakdown 1.1% Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
1.0% Common Sorrel (Rumex acetosa)
0.1% Lady's Bedstraw (Gallium verum)
1.4% Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)
3.1% Ribwort Plantain (Plantago lanceolata)
0.8% Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatorium)
1.0% Self Heal (Prunella vulgaris)
0.2% Meadow Sweet (Filipendula ulmaria)
2.0% Salad Burnet (Sanguisorba minor)
1.0% Birdsfoot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus)
2.0% White Clover (Trifolium repens)
2.0% Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
0.5% Yellow Rattle (Rhinanthus minor)
0.2% Burnett Saxifrage (Pimpinella saxifraga)
0.3% Greater Knapweed (Centaurea scabiosa)
0.3% Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)
3.0% Common Knapweed (Centaurea nigra)
30.0% Strong Creeping Red Fescue (Festuca rubra rubra)
25.0% Crested Dogstail (Cynosurus cristatus)
5.0% Golden Oat Grass (Trisetum flavescens)
5.0% Meadow Fescue (Festuca pratensis)
6.5% Sheeps Fescue (Festuca ovina)
3.5% Browntop Bent (Agrostis capillaris)
5.0% Quaking Grass (Briza media)
Supplier: Germinal Amenity
Tel: 01522 868714
Copy Specification

Usage Guide carrat-down

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Sowing Rate 5 g/m2
Sowing Time March - October
Sowing Depth 10 mm
Sowing Instructions Create a fine friable seedbed down to 150 mm in depth. Carry out two equal sowings at right angles to each other and diagonally to main axis. Broadcast manually or use seed drill, rake level and roll. Ensure good seed to soil contact.
Autumn Sown
Year One

First cut early July, then monthly during August, September and October. 


Cutting height 70 -100 mm


Cut from mid-July to early September. This can be done as one cut but preferably, and if the meadow is big enough, you will cut it in sections leaving a week to a fortnight between cuts. Ensure you collect the arisings. 

If the meadow is large enough, consider allowing up to a fifth to stand uncut through the winter and cut down and remove the clippings in March the following year, this will provide a habitat for invertebrates and some vertebrates over the winter. Rotate this area so a different section is left uncut each year. This more closely replicates the grazing of animals which would leave some small areas not grazed.


If possible, and with the obvious exception of areas you are leaving uncut, lightly mow the sward down to 70 -100 mm as required throughout the winter months until March and collect the clippings.

Spring sown
Year One

First cut mid-September - 1st October and collect the arisings, then monthly during August, September and October

Cutting height 70 - 100 mm.


Cut from mid-July to early September. This can be done as one cut but preferably, and if the meadow is big enough, you will cut it in sections leaving a week to a fortnight between cuts. Ensure you collect the arisings. 

If the meadow is large enough, consider allowing up to a fifth to stand uncut through the winter and cut down and remove the clippings in March the following year, this will provide a habitat for invertebrates and some vertebrates over the winter. Rotate this area so a different section is left uncut each year. This more closely replicates the grazing of animals which would leave some small areas not grazed.


If possible, and with the obvious exception of areas you are leaving uncut, lightly mow the sward down to 70 -100 mm as required throughout the winter months until March and collect the clippings.

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For greater detail on all aspects of Wildflower meadow management please refer to our guide to wildflower meadow management.
Supplier: Germinal Amenity
Tel: 01522 868714
Copy Usage Guide

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