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WFG8 Hedgerows and Shaded Areas

A mixture of species which prefer or tolerate semi shade conditions, perfect for along hedgerows or in dappled shade.

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Description carrat-down

Suitable for sowing within hedgerows and semi–shaded woodland, providing floral interest from April - September. Due to light levels being lower than in open field sites growth of companion grasses will be slow, in turn making this mixture low in maintenance however, brambles may require control from time to time. 

If possible when cutting in late summer an area of up to one third should be left uncut until the following spring for overwintering invertebrates. This area should be alternated each year.

An 80:20 mix of grasses, annuals, and perennial wildflowers including Garlic Mustard, Red Campion, Squared Stemmed St Johns Wort and Hedge Parsley.

Specification carrat-down

Copy Specification
Product Name WFG8 (Hedgerows and Shaded Areas)
Mixture Breakdown 0.7% Hedge Woundwort (Stachys sylvatica)
1.1% Wild Carrot (Daucus carota)
2.0% Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
0.2% Meadow Sweet (Filipendula ulmaria)
1.5% Borage (Borago officinalis)
0.5% Ramsons (Allium ursinum)
0.1% Wood Sage (Teucrium scorodonia)
1.0% Bluebell (Hyacinthoides non scripta)
0.5% Wood Avens (Geum urbanum)
0.5% Hedge Parsley (Upright) (Torillis japonica)
0.4% Square Stemmed St. Johns Wort (Hypericum tetrapterum)
0.6% Garlic Mustard (Allaria petiolata)
0.3% Betony (Stachys betonica)
3.0% Corncockle (Agrostemma githago)
3.0% Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
0.9% White Campion (Silene Alba)
2.0% Red Campion (Silene Dioica)
0.7% Dames Violet (Hesperis matronalis)
0.5% Cow Parsley (Anthriscus sylvestris)
0.5% Forget Me Not (Myosotis arvensis)
25.0% Tall Fescue (Festuca arundinacea)
25.0% Slender Creeping Red Fescue (Festuca rubra litoralis)
15.0% Crested Dogstail (Cynosurus cristatus)
10.0% Strong Creeping Red Fescue (Festuca rubra rubra)
5.0% Wood Meadow Grass (Poa nemoralis)
Supplier: Germinal Amenity
Tel: 01522 868714
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Usage Guide carrat-down

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Sowing Rate 5 g/m2
Sowing Time March - October
Sowing Depth 10 mm
Sowing Instructions Create a fine friable seedbed down to 150 mm in depth. Carry out two equal sowings at right angles to each other and diagonally to main axis. Broadcast manually or use seed drill, rake level and roll. Ensure good seed to soil contact.

First cut mid-September - 1st October and collect the arisings.

Cutting height 70 -100 mm


Cut from mid-August to early October. This can be done as one cut but preferable, and if the meadow is big enough, you will cut it in sections leaving a week to a fortnight between cuts. Ensure you collect the arisings. If the meadow is large enough, consider allowing up to a fifth to stand uncut through the winter and cut down and remove the clippings in March the following year, this will provide a habitat for invertebrates and some vertebrates over the winter. Rotate this area so a different section is left uncut each year. This more closely replicates the grazing of animals which would leave some small areas not grazed.

If possible, and with the obvious exception of areas you are leaving uncut, lightly mow the sward down to 70 -100 mm as required throughout the winter months until March and collect the clippings.

For greater detail on all aspects of Wildflower meadow management please refer to our guide to wildflower meadow management.
Supplier: Germinal Amenity
Tel: 01522 868714
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